
Unfortunately, some managers find themselves isolated or in cultures that are not supportive.  Sometimes, the culture is constructive but the practical support is not there or you cannot make use of it.  Without close ties with managers and team-mates, you miss out on advice or a sounding board, but also energy and sense of purpose.

Coaching sessions redress that balance.  Through working with a coach, you become more decisive, more certain and more effective.

We may focus on a single over-arching goal, but often the engagement involves ongoing maintenance where we respond to the current challenges as they arise.

In this case, we focus on the short-term, such as what you can achieve in a week.  What are the benefits and obstacles involved?

Then, who are the stakeholders?  What have you done so far?  What worked and what didn’t?

Followed by your options:  What could you do quickly?  What have you observed others do?  What one thing will have the biggest impact?

Of these options, what resonates with you?  What will you do?

The coach does not recommend a solution, but leverages their expertise to ask the right questions to facilitate you gaining clarity and conviction.  Each topic and experience adds to your confidence in your management skills.

Richard’s methods are engaging and effective. He has helped me to elevate my management skills. I have learnt more about my strengths and weaknesses and how to utilize them effectively. All in all, I am a better leader today because of the coaching I received from Richard.Gilbert Santana, Development Manager, Stockland, 2016